Een orgastische film…

Addicted to love … Ruth Ramos as Alejandra in The Untamed

Fritz Wumderlich: “UND EWIG WÄRE SIE DANN MEIN…”

Jur Kuipers

Mooie horrorfilm: “The Untamed”, originele titel: “La Región Salvaje” over hunkering naar liefde en seks, homofobie, seksverslaving en een buitenaards monster.
Mexicaanse film van regisseur Amat Escalante, Spaans gesproken.
Gisteren gezien. Weet niet of ‘ie in de Nederlandse bioscopen komt.


Allegorisch verhaal. Af en toe bizar en shockerend.
Beslist geen gelikte (sic.) Hollywood-film, waar zo’n prent nooit gemaakt zou kunnen worden.
Goed gecast.
Kreeg vorig jaar een “Zilveren Leeuw” op het filmfestival van Venetië.

Van de website

“La Región Salvaje (The Untamed)”: Filmmaker Amat Escalante won the Silver Lion for Best Director at this year’s Venice Film Festival for this startlingly original feature, which interweaves two filmmaking modes that are usually deployed separately. First, there’s the straightforward but impressively assured naturalism used to tell a story that, in the words of the festival’s program, “exposes the macho homoeroticism in Mexico”: a loutish laborer loudly proclaims his contempt for gays, then sees his family sunder when it’s revealed that he’s been carrying on a secret affair with his wife’s brother. The other mode is a surrealism worthy of Buñuel or David Lynch: one by one, the story’s characters find themselves in a sylvan lair where a multi-tentacle, serpent-like creature, supposedly left behind by a comet, penetrates them both erotically and psychologically (these scenes’ special effects are exemplary). Although the combination of relationship melodrama and surrealist sci-fi/horror may sound improbable, the control exhibited in Escalante’s direction and the suggestive resonances of his script make this one of the year’s most offbeat and fascinating films. 

Lees ook even de uitstekende recensie van Peter Bradshaw van The Guardian:
The Untamed review – a film about love, pleasure and a tentacular sex monster


“Sex and love are the assumed ultimate pleasure and fulfilment, the promise of which is always receding like a mirage.
What if there was something nasty in the woodshed that could deliver that pure heroin sex-pleasure?
Something that could be kept for the purpose like livestock and, by virtue of its non-humanness, never needed to be surrounded with the pieties of romance or marriage or any conscientious interrelation?
Or what if this creature represents something else: not just the pure animal pleasure we all secretly yearn for but also the dysfunctional, painful, unsatisfactory side of sex that we experience anyway?”

Bij het zien van de film moest ik onmiddellijk denken aan deze erotische prent van de 19e eeuwse Japanse kunstenaar Hokusai:

Uitgelichte foto: Alamy – Muziek: Mozart – bron

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