Fascisme, een zegen voor onze welvaart

Ferdinand Porsche and his son Ferry in 1950

“The Nazi Billionaires Who Made a Fortune During the Holocaust”
Onder deze titel verscheen gisteren in de Haaretz een boekbespreking over een onderzoek van onze landgenoot David de Jong m.b.t. de rijkdom van Duitse industriëlen die, enkele uitzonderingen daargelaten, al fortuin vergaard hadden voordat Hitler aan de macht kwam, maar zonder uitzondering als steunpilaren kunnen gelden voor de nazi’s. Een deel van hen heeft hierover nooit verantwoording afgelegd.

Adrian Hennigan

There’s a beaten-up Volkswagen Beetle I pass most days while walking the dog. It used to be a pleasurable sight: a throwback to a time when cars were lovingly designed, rather than today when they have all the charisma of an IKEA catalog.

But then I read David de Jong’s book “Nazi Billionaires: The Dark History of Germany’s Wealthiest Dynasties” – and now I have to resist the urge to smash a side-view mirror every time I pass the damned jalopy. Disney’s Herbie may have associated the “pregnant roller skate” with the number 53, but the number I keep wanting to daub on this particular car’s dusty surface now is 88 – the neo-Nazis’ numerical abbreviation for the “Heil Hitler” salute.

That’s because, as well as being a fascinating exposé of the German industrialists and entrepreneurs who got stinking rich during the Nazis’ 12 years in power (though many were filthy rich already), “Nazi Billionaires” will enlighten you about the wartime actions of some very household-name German companies. It also reveals how some have spectacularly failed to own their shameful pasts.

Or, to put it another way, read this book and you’ll soon be scrubbing that Porsche Panamera Turbo S sports car from your shopping list.
Listen to this article now…


Industrialist Friedrich Flick reading the indictment against him at Nuremberg in 1947


Bron foto’s: AP

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